Monday, January 31, 2011

Disney/Stardoll updates!!!!

Apparently, one girl named ..e_O.. told stardoll she had made up the prank!!!

But could this be true?????? Is it just a way to get fame. Yet blog confirms proof that stardoll is being sold to disney. They gave information about how stardoll is really being sold and Disney is a candidate there are others :) hopefully it doesn't sell to Disney
You can read for yourself . Hazurama the creator of stardoll says she cannot keep up with stardoll and is back living a normal life.

Yet on the link above it shows she is the owner yet she says she is not the owner?????
So PLEASE ENJOY your time on Stardoll because it wont last forever :*(


  1. Stardoll sent an E-mail to a Member saying that this was Definatley just a rumor.

  2. A kid has just wanted their 5 minurtes of fame and they got it but they mad the members so upset.

  3. ouff... never mind... i won't play stardol anymore :(
